
Old methods feeling over complicated?

Setting up new insurance policies shouldn’t be a headache. Streamline your customer process with a simplified, step-by-step health tech solution.

Haled Applicant scheduling a life insurance exam from their mobile device

Close the Loop - Fast

For insurance agents, getting customers from point A to point B can feel like navigating a maze of dead ends. With Haled, the introductory process is streamlined to ensure a simple, step-by-step procedure with each and every customer, eliminating the complicated health test scheduling which too frequently leads to dropped insurance policies and low retention rates.

Insurance Agent Working from their mobile device

Eliminate Clunky Paperwork

For customers, “Don’t forget to book your health appointment” often translates to a lengthy mental list of phone calls, paperwork and lab visits to complete the final, drawn-out step in insurance policy set-up. Haled expedites the process by bringing health examiners directly to customers’ doorsteps. It’s one less errand to run and hours given back amid busy lives and competing priorities.

Confirm Appointments with a Tap

For examiners, work-life balance lives right at their fingertips with Haled’s user-friendly mobile app. When a customer appointment request is submitted, all examiners within a given radius are notified and can choose to accept the appointment with the touch of a button.

Haled Care Mobile Examiner Accepting an appointment from their car

Interested in partnering with Haled?

If you're in the life insurance industry and are ready to streamline your health exam workflow, fill out the form here and we will be in touch with next steps.
